So I've been dreading this day for the last couple weeks!
Daddy got the girls up, made them breakfast and got them dressed
while I got myself ready. I fixed Alison's hair with Cute curls in the back
and this whole time I'm holding back the tears!
Once we got to the school it was CRAZY!
We checked Alison in and she got a name tag and was told what teacher
she'll get for the first couple days. Then we had to wait around for about 20min.
for the rest of the kids to sign in. Then Emma starts!
When are we leaving?
It's hot out here, can we leave! (and need I remind you
Emma is loud). So I'm holding back tears watching Alison and how
big she is getting and trying to keep Emma quiet!
Oh how Fun this morning was!
So 3:00 finally comes around and it was hot outside so Ryan
was the only one that got out to pick her up. Once
she got into the car we asked her 100 questions and all
she remembers is coloring a jar red!
She said she had a fun day and she listened to the teacher and was a Good Girl!