Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Children's Art Museum

Today I had my last appointment with Dr Bodon. Everything looks good with Leah and I've dilated to a 2! Kind of disappointed cause of all the pains and contractions I've had this last week but I'm almost done and I can't wait to meet my little Leah. 
Last night we told Alison and Emma we had a surprise for them after mommy's doctor appointment. This was the first time we've done the whole "Surprise" deal with them and they we're soo excited. Alison would not stop asking "What is the surprise?" Once she asked if we were taking them to Disneyland! We thought that was pretty funny. We found a Children's Art Museum close to WalMart (where we were going to pick up a few things) and thought all these times we've brought them to Palm Springs and haven't had any fun. So here's some pictures I took of the girls. They had a Blast!

And of course their favorite part was the bubbles which was outside in the Heat!

Friday, July 25, 2008

So is Gizmo a Girl Now?

Gizmo went in to get a hair cut today and the groomer put a bow in his hair. Once Alison saw the bow she said "Mom why does he have a bow in his hair? Is Gizmo a girl now?" The lady that cut his hair was standing right there and she didn't say anything so I guess they put bows in ALL the dogs hair. Pretty Funny.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

One more post for tonight

Silly Alison
This conversation happened last night with Ryan and Alison. For those of you who don't know Alison she has a hard time with people throwing up or anything throwing up. She thinks it's pretty gross and can't stand the smell.

Mom: Daddy Gizmo is throwing up come get him!!
(Alison running to see what is going on)
Daddy puts Gizmo outside and gets some wipes to clean up the throw up. 
Alison: What happened dad?
Dad: Gizmo has a tummy ache and threw up a little.
Alison with a serious look and a couple seconds later: Dad I think we need to give Gizmo back to Bobbi and we should just get a cat!

It was so funny cause Gizmo crosses the line with Alison if he's going to start throwing up!! 

Husband Tag!

This is my first Tag (Thanks to Heather) and it's kind of fun! (Plus Ryan said I don't talk about him much on here so here you go Ryan!) I'm tagging Carianne, Brooke, Jen, Jamie, Jill and Melanie. 

1. What is his name?
Daddy, Ryan and Kirby

2. Who eats more?
I do right now! (That's only because I'm eating for two!)

3. Who said I love you first?
Ryan did on my pager. 

4. Who is taller?
Ryan is

5. Who is smarter?
He is (but don't tell him that!)

6. Who is more sensitive?
Let me think....I am

7. Who does the laundry?
Ryan's been doing it lately! 

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Ryan does, but once the baby is born I will. I'll be closer to the baby.

9. Who pays the bill?
We both do but I write out the checks

10. Who cooks more?
I do

11. Who is more stubborn?
I am

12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong?
Ryan does. And I'm never wrong!

13. Who has more siblings?
I do...12

14. Who wears the pants in the family?
Ryan wears them but I pick them out!

15. What do you like to do together?
Date night, go to hockey games, shop and spend time with the girls and family.

16. Who eats more sweets? 
I do

17. Guilty Pleasures?
Strawberry shortcake from Rosemary's and Strawberry's from Oxnard

18. How did you meet?
At a friends reception

19. Who purposed?
Ryan did at the MeloDrama on stage in front of tons of people...So I had to say yes!

20. What is his best feature?
I would have to say his smile and his eye's. I love his eye's

21. What is his best quality?
I would have to say he is a hard worker. He puts his all into his job. I could probably use one hand on how many times he's called in sick. It's hard to make him call in sick when he is actually sick! He's a great provider and he is always putting his family first. I love this about him!!   

There's a Light at the end of the Tunnel....

We're back from our appointment and it went OK. I'm not quit a 2 but I'm not a 1 so I guess I'm a 1 1/2. Does that make since? I had an ultrasound and everything looks good. I told the doctor it takes me forever to dilate put once I'm there my labor goes fast. So she asked if I wanted to set a date to induce and I'm like "Heck yeah I do!" So Aug 4Th at 5AM I'm suppose to report to L&D. (unless I go in before that. Which I highly dought!)
So that's that unless Leah decides she wants out before then. I'm pretty excited and now I have a date to look forward too! 

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm Only A What!!!

So what's the words I'm looking for....FALSE LABOR!! That's what I had yesterday and it took me a tank full of gas, 3 hour drive and two disappointed girls at the end of the day thinking they were going to have a sister. Well it really started Saturday night. My contractions were 20 min apart for an hour then they jumped to 10 min apart for about 3 hours. I was able to get comfortable and sleep through them till about 4AM. We had a T-Storm which woke us up and then the contractions started again and were about 10-15 min apart. About 9AM they were coming faster and longer. Probably 5 min apart and lasting about a minute. So around 11AM we decided to head to the hospital as the contractions are getting a LITTLE more painful. I called Dan and Dana and said this is it, head to the hospital. They arrived before us and found out where we were suppose to go. So we went up to the L&D and a lady sent us down stairs to register and because it was a Sunday we had to register in the ER. So 30 min later it's Ryan's turn and the ladies were pretty upset we were sent down to the ER and not just admitted. So Lucky me I get a wheelchair ride up to the L&D. I get hooked up and the contractions are coming every 4-6 min apart and then comes the time I've been waiting for for a couple weeks now! I get checked to see how much I've dilated.  The nurse said "Uumm you're Almost a 1, you're cervix is still hard and the baby is still high up!!!!!"   WHAT I'm only a 1!!!  She said I'll keep you hooked up for an hour and we'll check you again to see if anything has happened. I knew right then this was going to be a LONG labor and delivery and it wasn't happening today. So an hour comes around and I'm the same and after the call to my doctor I was sent home. The nurse said I could walk and come back in to see if anything has happened so that's what I did. We got something to eat then headed to WalMart and did some walking. My contractions were every 4-5 min and pretty hard ones. So I'm thinking something HAS to be happening. So we're back to the hospital and I explained I live so far away and just want to get checked before I leave. I KID YOU NOT, MY CONTRACTIONS STOPPED ONCE I LAID ON THE BED!! The only good thing about coming back was I am for sure a 1 but my cervix is still hard and Leah is still high. Can you believe it!!?? I guess that's what I get thinking I'm going to have her early. So my next appointment with my Doctor is Wednesday. So we'll see if anything more has happened. 

Saturday, July 19, 2008


So this should be interesting and I hope you all play...

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
Thanks for Playing!!! 

Friday, July 18, 2008

Our Dancing Emma

Like I said yesterday, Emma loves her Belle dress and she is always wearing it. She said she wanted some pictures of her dancing. It was fun watching her dance.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Daddy's Princess's

Yesterday while we were cleaning I needed some stuff out of the garage and we found the girls princess dresses. It was like Christmas. They had so much fun playing with them. In fact Emma will not take hers off. When she goes to bed it has to hang right next to her bed and once she is awake, it has to go on! Too cute!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well today was an awesome (and tiring) day. Ryan and I headed out to Palm Springs around 8 AM for my Doctor appointment and from how my appointment went, I think Leah will be here in the next couple weeks. Doc. Bodon first asked if I have been having contractions and I answered yes and some painful ones. She said when they are 5 min. apart to come into Labor and Delivery. She asked how many kids I have and their age and I told her and then she said when the contractions are 10 min. apart come into L&D cause this delivery might go fast. She checked my tummy size and said everything is looking great. I asked her if I can have an ultrasound and she said sure! She spent about 5 min on me with the ultrasound and we were able to see Leah's face, her hands and her legs. We also saw the heart beat and Doc Bodon said Leah was practicing her breathing! She said that's VERY good. She's getting ready to come out. Doc Bodon then asked how big Alison and Emma were and I said 7 lbs 6 ounces & 7 lbs 5 ounces and she said LEAH IS ALREADY BIGGER THEN THAT!!!!!!!! Next week I will get checked to see if I have dilated and she will check the fetal weigh IF I MAKE IT THAT LONG!!!!!
Now that is the best Doctor appointment I've had, you might not make it to your next appointment. I'm so excited and ready for her to come out. 
Afterwards we went to In-N-Out and I took my camera to take a picture and show everyone how tasty and yummy looking the cheeseburger fries and chocolate milkshake was but I was too hungry. And my cheeseburger was so good Ryan and I split another one! 
Once we got home we picked the girls up and Maria  took me to get a pedicure. WAY COOL. Just Maria (& Isabella) Bobbi and I with out kids, getting pampered!
So I think this was an OK day. Now tomorrow I have to be a Mad Women clean this house, do laundry and get everything ready for delivery!! I can't wait! 
Just watch, I'll have her in 3 weeks!!!!
PS I've been having tons of contractions today! Getting more painful too! 

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Start of my Weekly Visits!

Wow I can't believe this pregnancy is coming to an end and Leah will be here. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow morning which will start my weekly visits and I can't wait. I'm going to ask for an ultrasound so I'll have to scan and post any pictures I get. Alison and Emma are staying with my friend Maria for the morning so it's just me and Ryan. I'm excited about that also. I don't know when the last time we had some time to ourselves. It's like "Date Night"!!! And I already know where we're going to eat for lunch...In-N-Out

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I Love This Man!

Ryan and I have been married for 9 years this December and I just wanted to tell him how much I love him. He's an awesome husband and an AWESOME father to our kids. He never complains about anything and he is always putting his family first. I always watch him leave for work through our kitchen window and just think about how much he does for us! Thank you for the love and patience you give to us. I love you with all my heart and the girls think the world of you! (Gizmo loves you too)
Mommy and the Girls

Friday, July 11, 2008

Holy Moly I'm Huge!!!

In our house we have one body size mirror and it's on my bathroom door which is always open so I've never really noticed a side view of my tummy. Yesterday I was talking to mom and I told her I feel huge and she told me to take a picture and email it to her. Well, this is my side view along with my dirty mirror. I think Leah should come out before I get any bigger!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Last night after a nice warm shower I was drying off (which is now getting to be hard as my tummy is getting BIG!) I slipped as I was getting out of the tub. OUCH! I caught myself but I don't know what would have hurt more, falling on my side or catching myself and pulling muscles that you didn't know you had! I feel a little better this morning but still a little sore. 
On a good note I only have about 5 weeks left and Leah will be here. I can't wait! I put the crib up the other day and it went in the girls room and Alison was so excited that Leah was going to sleep in her room that night. It was so cute. After I explained that she'll be sleeping with mommy for a couple weeks after she is born Alison gets this look on her face and a minute later she said "Ok but you have to share mom" Alison and Emma are going to be great Big sisters and a big help to mommy. I love my life!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Yippy I have CARPET!!!

Our 4Th of July was a fun and tiring day. We got carpet!!! The guy was done around noon and Ryan said "First things first, where do you want the girls bed set up in there room!" We put the play room together and Ryan set up the beds and my scrap booking room is a work in progress. The girls were so excited to sleep in their own beds.
Around 6:30PM we headed to Maria and Jason's house for dinner. Afterwards we took off and parked our cars at the fairgrounds to watch the Blythe firework show which wasn't that bad. (Alison kept asking if we were going to Grandma's and Baba's house to watch the fireworks! :) Emma didn't like the sound of the fireworks so she sat on Daddy's lap covering her ears and then she fell asleep! After the firework show we headed back to Maria's and Jason and Brian (Jason's brother) put on our own little firework show. We had a fun and exhausting day!   

Our 4th of July

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Gizmo got a Hair cut today!

Today Gizmo had a hair cut and I tried to do a before and after picture but it's hard to keep him still that long and I forgot the flash. So here's what I got.