Friday, May 27, 2011

15 weeks!
4 More Days!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

14 weeks

So I don't hide my pregnancy very well. There are some days
I feel PREGNANT PREGNANT and some days...Chubby!
I can start feeling the stretching and today my ribs are sore.
It's getting harder to sleep because I'm a stomach sleeper!
I find out the sex of the baby at the end of the month and we
We have a boy name that has been with us for 7 years!
If it's a girl, I will laugh, cry and laugh some more!
And then start looking at girl names.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Open House

(right before the open house Emma wasn't feeling well, so that's
the reason for the "no" smiling Emma)

Leah was SOOO excited to go to "class"
She did not want to leave!
This was right before Natalie started crying...
It was bed time so Ryan took her out to the car.

Tuesday night the girls had
Open House at school.
Emma's class was decorated like a sea. The kids made a lot of fun crafts.
Alison had a lot of fun showing us her class.
She sits RIGHT IN FRONT of the teacher and loves it.
She colors pictures for her teacher almost every weekend
and Mrs. Cox desk was covered with her pictures!

Monday, May 16, 2011

I haven't forgotten about my blog...
I just forget to take pictures!

So a quick update

Alison and Emma are ALMOST done
with school and they are EXCITED!!!
I am too but a little nervous on how I'm going to keep them occupied!
(I have been working on some charts and I'll post those later! When I'm finished)

Leah and Natalie are becoming friends....
not that they're not friends but they are wanting to be around each other more often.
And of course that is nice for mommy!

Daddy is busy busy at work doing overtime and swaps and just
plain work!

I'm doing good. Getting over a cold that came out of nowhere!
My Kia is doing better but still needs a little work.
Spark plugs and ignition coils and their mother board
(have no idea what it is called)
has been replaced. It's so nice to have my car back!
The two weeks it wasn't working felt like

So until I have more time and pictures