Friday, June 17, 2011

We parked right by the Peacocks and they were loud!

Leah making funny faces!
Alison was scared of the Peacocks and while we were putting the girls
into the stroller Alison hopped into the van and shut the door!
Ryan had to drag her out! It was pretty funny!

I couldn't believe how fast the river was going!

My Hottie!

"Can I take this home mom?"

Emma checking stuff off her list!

(Ok these pictures are not coming up as I am wanting them too.)
Last week for some fun,
we went on a
Scavenger Hunt at Hart Park!
Ryan wrote up a list of things for them to put in a baggie
and stuff for them to look for!
I forgot my camera so the pictures are from my phone,
which all that I took, didn't come out!
We had fun!

1 comment:

Katy and Brent said...

Aw, that looked like so much fun, what a great idea! I love Hart Park, tho I agree with Alison, those peacocks are pretty scary. And so LOUD!