Today I had my last appointment with Dr Bodon. Everything looks good with Leah and I've dilated to a 2! Kind of disappointed cause of all the pains and contractions I've had this last week but I'm almost done and I can't wait to meet my little Leah.
Last night we told Alison and Emma we had a surprise for them after mommy's doctor appointment. This was the first time we've done the whole "Surprise" deal with them and they we're soo excited. Alison would not stop asking "What is the surprise?" Once she asked if we were taking them to Disneyland! We thought that was pretty funny. We found a Children's Art Museum close to WalMart (where we were going to pick up a few things) and thought all these times we've brought them to Palm Springs and haven't had any fun. So here's some pictures I took of the girls. They had a Blast!
And of course their favorite part was the bubbles which was outside in the Heat!