Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm Only A What!!!

So what's the words I'm looking for....FALSE LABOR!! That's what I had yesterday and it took me a tank full of gas, 3 hour drive and two disappointed girls at the end of the day thinking they were going to have a sister. Well it really started Saturday night. My contractions were 20 min apart for an hour then they jumped to 10 min apart for about 3 hours. I was able to get comfortable and sleep through them till about 4AM. We had a T-Storm which woke us up and then the contractions started again and were about 10-15 min apart. About 9AM they were coming faster and longer. Probably 5 min apart and lasting about a minute. So around 11AM we decided to head to the hospital as the contractions are getting a LITTLE more painful. I called Dan and Dana and said this is it, head to the hospital. They arrived before us and found out where we were suppose to go. So we went up to the L&D and a lady sent us down stairs to register and because it was a Sunday we had to register in the ER. So 30 min later it's Ryan's turn and the ladies were pretty upset we were sent down to the ER and not just admitted. So Lucky me I get a wheelchair ride up to the L&D. I get hooked up and the contractions are coming every 4-6 min apart and then comes the time I've been waiting for for a couple weeks now! I get checked to see how much I've dilated.  The nurse said "Uumm you're Almost a 1, you're cervix is still hard and the baby is still high up!!!!!"   WHAT I'm only a 1!!!  She said I'll keep you hooked up for an hour and we'll check you again to see if anything has happened. I knew right then this was going to be a LONG labor and delivery and it wasn't happening today. So an hour comes around and I'm the same and after the call to my doctor I was sent home. The nurse said I could walk and come back in to see if anything has happened so that's what I did. We got something to eat then headed to WalMart and did some walking. My contractions were every 4-5 min and pretty hard ones. So I'm thinking something HAS to be happening. So we're back to the hospital and I explained I live so far away and just want to get checked before I leave. I KID YOU NOT, MY CONTRACTIONS STOPPED ONCE I LAID ON THE BED!! The only good thing about coming back was I am for sure a 1 but my cervix is still hard and Leah is still high. Can you believe it!!?? I guess that's what I get thinking I'm going to have her early. So my next appointment with my Doctor is Wednesday. So we'll see if anything more has happened. 


Melanie said...

All I can say is, "WOW"! That stinks! Let us know how Wed. goes!
Love ya!

Brooke said...

YOu poor thing! I hope that you don't have that happen again..What a long drive. Stay in the Ac and try to relax a little just incase it does take a little while. Hopefully there's progress tomorrow!

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

OH my! You are so close! I can't believe it! It's very exciting to read about this because I know I am not too far behind you!!!!!! YEAH!

JRKimball said...

That would be so disappointing! The more stories I hear, the further out kids are looking for me. Good choice on the name by the way, I have had my eye on Leah, I love that name!